Make your load shedding planning much easier with EskomCalendar

Click the link below to automatically add the load shedding schedule of your area, to the calendar on your phone

Subscribe to the Eskom loadshedding schedulue by clicking one the links below depending on which app you want to use:

For more info on the Apple calendar click here . And for more information on the Google calendar app click here.

After subscribing to the Cloud Calendar on your android device, please remember to sync the calendars.

To subscribe your Outlook calendar to the Cloud Calendar, open the Outlook link on your Windows platform.

Eskom loadshedding information is provided by . Visit the site to find load shedding schedules of other areas.

If you want to empower people to engage with your events visit:

* Calendar on my phone does not guarantee the accuracy of the information or takes any responsibility for any damages resulting from the use thereof.